Journey in Life of eFishery Aqua Developer Software Engineer Participant — Day 3

Fikry Fahrezy
2 min readJun 22, 2022

Allo, I’m Fikry, in this article I just want to share what already happened after three days of being a participant in Aqua Developer Software Engineer by eFishery. Honestly, there is nothing that happened.

I mean everything running well, I can follow this program without any issue yet, and I hope there is no issue for me, for everyone who’s in this program, and for the program itself.

I guess I just want to recap what I learn after 3 days here as a participant in Aqua Developer Software Engineer by eFishery.

  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • C# Fundamental
  • Golang

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), it’s such a cool paradigm, it could help to make a clean and maintainable project because of its Encapsulation and because OOP helps to model real-world domain become a code, that makes the code in the project easy to imagine. But in my opinion, OOP just makes me there is too much to do for me before I code the program, or I just do not get used to it. Even though I heard some people say “OOP is Sucks” I guess everything is sucks if not used in the right way.

Why do we learn C#? Honestly, I don’t know the exact answer, but I am happy to learn it because it’s on my waiting list to learn that language since late 2021, it has just been on my waiting list all this time, and finally, I learn it. I learn it in Bahasa. Why has it becomes my waiting list to learn? As a person who chooses Back-End Engineer as my career path, I want to learn .NET technology, and that requires C# (it can run for F# or VB). And as a person who will be a software engineer, in my opinion, I need a lot of perspective from different tools, so I can use the right tool for the right job. And the .NET documentation itself it’s really good, I like the doc.

And Golang, a simple language, because of its simplicity (some people said) it’s easy to learn. Yes, I agree with its simplicity I also like it. Here we use Golang as a programming language to make REST API, and we already made a simple REST API with only a standard library, and it’s fun. Yes, the fun part is only using the standard library, you need to implement everything from scratch.

That’s it from me, bye.



Fikry Fahrezy

Full-Stack Web Developer, who focusing on Back-End Web Developer